Dig Deeper: When wisdom calls

Listen, Wisdom is calling.
    Yes, Understanding is shouting for us.
Wisdom stands at the top of the hill,
    by the road where the paths meet.
 She is near the entrance to the city,
    calling from the open gates.

 “I am calling out to all of you.
    I am speaking to everyone.
 You who are ignorant, learn to be wise.
    You who are foolish, get some common sense.
 Listen, I have something important to say,
    and I am telling you what is right.
 My words are true,
    and I will not say anything that is wrong.
Everything I say is right;
    there is nothing false or crooked about it.
These things are clear to any intelligent person.
    They are right to anyone with knowledge.
Choose discipline over silver
    and knowledge over the finest gold.
 Wisdom is better than pearls,
    and nothing you desire compares with her.

I am wisdom.

I live with good judgement.

I am at home with knowledge and planning.

To respect the LORD means to hate evil.

I hate pride and boasting, evil lives and hurtful words.

I have good advice and common sense to offer.

I have understanding and power.

With my help kings rule, and governors make good laws.

With my help leaders govern, and important officials make good decisions.

I love those who love me, and those who look for me will find me.

With me, there is riches and honour.

I have lasting wealth to give you.

Adaptation of Proverbs 8:1-18

Have a beautiful Sunday everyone,
Until next time, stay watchful and prayerful  😀

God bless,


Comfort A


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